I brought “Come November” home from the Member's Exhibit at the Emporium today. In the last year I have turned more to watercolors for expression. As I traveled twice to the Georgia Coast, I found them to be easier to pack and not as messy as I was staying with family. Sometimes you have to be practical.
2020 was such a worrisome year. Come November is born out of that worry. A road unknown and untraveled, rough, full of pitfalls. So many of the roads I traveled as a nurse this past summer were like that. So many of the roads I traveled emotionally last year were like that. And our country stood at a crossroads the likes of which we had never seen before, culminating in the November election.
So I abstracted a road. You can't see around the curve. Would there be Covid, job loss, a loss of life? Another four years of Trump? The greenery is kudzu, poison ivy, poison oak. The dirt is red. With blood? Is the blackness doom or a snake? The viewer gets to decide.